Live streaming from Salone del Restauro

International Conferences

Mercoledì 1 settembre, Wednesday 1 September 2021

Heritage and Sustainability
Il Restauro del Patrimonio edilizio storico culturale italiano, un’ispirazione per il mondo

Sala congressi 2, Fiera del Levante, Bari
From 2:30 to 4:00 pm

Live Restoration Week – 2.30pm - 4:00pm

Giovedì 2 settembre, Thursday 2 September 2021

Giornata di studi sul Restauro in Puglia
Workshop on Restoration in Apulian region

Sala congressi 2, Fiera del Levante, Bari
From 11:00am to 6:00pm

Live Restoration Week – 11:00am - 6:00pm

Bari, Italy

Heritage and Sustainability
Il Restauro del Patrimonio edilizio storico culturale italiano, un’ispirazione per il mondo

1st September 2021

2:30 to 4:00 pm

In the framework of Restoration Week 2021, we will deepen the connection between restoration and sustainability, hosting the international organizations that are working to propose environmentally conscious new building and preservation methods.


The world of construction, in Italy as in the rest of the world, must regenerate itself in order to make a concrete contribution to achieving the set goals. The building sustainability rating systems concretely represent a part of the response to this need.
GBC Italia is interested in stimulating a new wave of regeneration of the building market through the integration of history and green building practices, sharing its GBC Historic Building® rating system with the international community, expanding its applicability beyond the Italian market: an international version of GBC Historic Building® will be developed to ensure that the classification system becomes technically and readily applicable globally, changing the way the market operates on historic buildings by integrating sustainability and restoration practices.
Italy with GBC Historic Building® International is the first that combines environmental objectives with the value of the Heritage and the restoration of the Italian and world cultural heritage.


2:30 – 4:00 Live streaming in inglese – h 2:30 Live streaming in English – RESTORATION WEEK

Opening and Introduction to the works
Marco Mari, President GBC Italy
Silvia Paparella, CEO Ferrara Fiere Congressi
Alessandro Bozzetti, President Assorestauro
Cosimo Damiano Mastronardi, President Bari Order of Architects

Circular Dialogues | Tools for spreading the culture of sustainable restoration

  • Moderator: Francesco Bedeschi, Executive Director GBC Italy
  • Paola Boarin, Associate Professor of Architectural Technology and Sustainability, University of Auckland, GBC HB® International Technical Table Coordinator
  • Mahesh Ramanujam, President and CEO U.S.G.B.C.
  • Cristina Gamboa, CEO World GBC
  • Gina Crevello, President of Association for Preservation Technology International.
  • General director Environmental Protection Agency
  • Laura D’Aprile, Head of Department for Ecological Transition and Green Investment of the Ministry of Ecological Transition; Senior Ministerial Representative for G20 Environment

Conclusions: Marco Mari, President GBC Italy


4:30 – 6:00 Language: Italian

Dialoghi circolari | GBC Historic Building International
Marco Mari, President of GBC Italia
Alessandro Bozzetti, President of Assorestauro

Modera: Fabrizio Capaccioli, Vice president of GBC Italia

Laura D’Aprile, Head of Department for Ecological Transition and Green Investments of the Ministry of Ecological Transition; High Ministerial Representative for G20 Environment
Alessandro Bozzetti, CAM restauration update group coordinator for Assorestauro
Toni Cellura, CAM restauration update group coordinator for GBC Italia
Fabrizio Cola, Anima Uman Federata Anima Confidustria, President of Firtech Srl
Paolo Perfido, Professor of Architecture Relief at the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari
Paola Boarin, Associate Professor of Architectural Technology and Sustainability,
University of Auckland, Coordinator of the GBC HB® international technical group
Pietromaria Davoli, Full Professor of Architectural Technologies at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, Coordinator of the GBC HB® internationalization process
Giovanni Carbonara, Full Professor of Architectural Restoration, University of Rome “La Sapienza” Director of the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

GBC Historic Building® | Case History
Book presentation “Heritage and Sustainability”, publication by GBC Italia in collaboration with recuperoeconservazione magazine
Interview to
Maria Adelaide Ricciardi, Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural
Institutes – Ministry of Culture by Fabrizio Capaccioli, Vice president of GBC Italia

Conclusions: Marco Mari, President of GBC Italia

Bari, Italy

Giornata di studi sul Restauro in Puglia
Workshop on Restoration in Apulian region

2nd September 2021

11:00 am to 6:00 pm

Introducono Introduced by:
Cosimo Damiano Mastronardi – Presidente President Ordine Architetti Bari
Alessandro Bozzetti – Presidente President Assorestauro

Dalle 11:00 – in lingua italiana

A cura di by: Ordine degli Architetti Paesaggisti, Pianificatori e Conservatori di Bari

Moderatore moderator: arch. Esther Tattoli (consigliera dell’Ordine delegata alla Valorizzazione dei beni culturali e riqualificazione degli spazi urbani)

Interventi speakers:

  • Ex Abbazia di San Benedetto (Bari) Ex Abbey of San Benedetto (Bari) – arch. Giuseppe Berardi (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di Bari)
  • Trappeto di Logopagliaro (Ostuni) – arch. Ilaria Pecoraro (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di Bari)
  • Iazzo Gattini – arch. Riccardo Russo (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di Bari)
  • Chiesa di San Gregorio (Bari) –  Tommaso Massarelli (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di Bari)
  • Complesso rurale con trulli – arch. Antonella Mari (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di Bari)
  • Cattedrale di Altamura – Arch. Annamaria Lucarelli (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di Bari)
  • Architettura rurale – Masseria Barbera (Minervino Murge) e Villa sant’Elia (Trani) – arch. Francesca Onesti – (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di BAT)
  • Teatro di Putignano – Arch. Gianluigi Sylos Labini (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di Bari)
  • Regio Ricovero di Mendicità Umberto 1° di Acquaviva delle Fonti (BA) Royal refuge for the poor Umberto I of Acquaviva delle Fonti – arch. Giovanni Fraccascia (Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C di Bari)

13:00 Pausa pranzo – h 1:00 pm Lunch break

Ore 14.30– Live streaming in inglese – h 2:30 Live streaming in English – RESTORATION WEEK

Apulian experience within the national territory

L’esperienza pugliese nell’ambito del territorio nazionale

A cura di by: Assorestauro in collaborazione con il Comitato tecnico scientifico

Moderatore Moderator: Daniela Esposito
Introduzione Introduction – Alessandro Ippoliti

Tematiche centrali del dibattito – Central themes of the debate:

Introduzione alle tematiche Introduction to the themes – Maria Piccarreta

  1. Studi per la salvaguardia dei centri storici pugliesi Studies for the preservation of the historical centres of Puglia – Rossella de Cadilhac, Giacomo Martines
  2. Struttura e forma nelle opere architettoniche pugliesi Structure and shape in Apulian architectural works – Raffaele Casciaro
  3. Giardini e parchi storici Gardens and historical parks – Vincenzo Cazzato
  4. Conoscere, conservare, riparare, il patrimonio del territorio. Dal rischio alla valorizzazione Know, preserve, repair, the heritage of the territory. From risk to valorization – Marcello Guaitoli
  5. Conservazione e Restauro degli ecosistemi e relativi servizi. Il caso del paesaggio costiero – Conservation and Restoration of ecosystems and related services. The case of the coastal – Alberto Basset

Interventi speakers: Lucio D’Alessandro, Giuliano Volpe, Costanza Miliani, Monica Livadiotti, Massimo de Vico Fallani, Claudio Varagnoli

Ore 16.10 – Live streaming in Italiano – h 4.10 pm – Live streaming in Italian

Introduzione Introduction (Maria Piccarreta)

  1. Lecce, Abbazia di Cerrate Abbey of Cerrate (Giacomo Sosio)
  2. Lecce, Castello di Carlo V e S. Croce Castles of Carlo V and S. Croce (Giovanna Cacudi)
  3. Brindisi, Forte a Mare Sea Fort (Antonio Zunno)
  4. Bari, S. Scolastica (Francesco Longobardi)
  5. Lucera, Castello Castle (Maria Franchini)
  6. Manfredonia, Siponto, Chiesa di S. Maria Maggiore e Abbazia di S. Leonardo Church of S. Maria Maggiore and Abbey of S. Leonardo (Francesco Longobardi)
  7. Melpignano, palazzo baronale baronial palace (Annalisa Malerba e Michela Catalano)
  8. Bari, il teatro Kursaal the Kursaal theatre (Azzurra Sylos Labini, Michele Carelli)

Proiezioni di casi di interventi di restauro Projections of cases of restoration work

Fine convegno 18.00 – 6pm end of the conference

Evento organizzato con
