AFR Conference: Studio Strati

Our professional activity is mainly addressed towards the conservation and valorization of cultural heritage, with special care for monuments restoration. Moreover, we offer a specific project orientation setting in the urban and architectural renovation, in public fruition of archaeological sites and museum exhibition design.
In 1994, the Studio is established in associated form, for architectural planning and technical management of public works mainly, counting on a qualified equipe of experienced technicians and effective teamwork in the fields of land survey, digital graphic, material restoration techniques and structural reinforcement.
Since 2009, we developed experience in exhibition setups and cultural events coordination for the promotion of artistic, architectural and historical heritage. We gained a similar role in the formulation of valorization programs on a territorial extent, such as the creation of cultural and touristic trails, and in planning coordination of works involving many authorities, public and private institutions.
In the International field, we experienced project planning for the valorization of the ancient way of Via Domizia in the cultural park of Biterrois in Colombiers (Francia), the competition for the New National Museum in Kabul (Afghanistan), the valorization project for the Madaba Archaelogical Park (West Area) arranged by the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, with La Sierra University, Gannon University (US) and Perugia University and the re-habilitation of the Dar-Al-Consul complex in Jerusalem.
Documents: Brochure1, Brochure2
Website: Email: